331 research outputs found

    Sintesis ZSM-5 Menggunakan Silika Presipitasi dari Fly Ash Pabrik CPO

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    Palm fly ash is waste in the palm oil industry. Palm fly ash has high content of silica. ZSM-5 is one of synthetic zeolite which used as catalyst. It can be synthesized from silica and alumina using hidrothermal method. Source of silica that can be used to ZSM-5 synthesis are sodium silicate, gelled silica and precipitated silica. the purpose of this research is to synthesis ZSM-5 using precipitated silica hydrothermally. The result was analyzed using FTIR. ZSM-5 can be synthesized using precipitated silica hydrothermally. Based on infrared spectrum,the product synthesis shows four characteristic of ZSM-5 characters

    Pengembangan Kurikulum Kewirausahaan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    Tujuan penulisan artikel ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji pengembangan kurikulum kewirausahaan di SMP yang berkaitan dengan definisi kurikulum kewirausahaan, landasan penyusunan kurikulum kewirausahaan, desain pengembangan kurikulum kewirausahaan dan nilai-nilai kewirausahaan yang dimuat dalam kurikulum kewirausahaan. Pengembangan kurikulum kewirausahaan menjadi sesuatu yang penting dalam rangka mengurangi pengangguran di negeri dan meningkatkan kemakmuran rakyat. Tingkat SMP merupakan tempat yang strategis untuk pengembangan kurikulum kewirausahaan karena pada tahap perkembangan ini, siswa sudah memiliki kemampuan berpikir yang lengkap sehingga amat potensial untuk mereka bisa menyerap dan menerapkan nilai-nilai kewirausahaan dalam pengalaman belajar mereka

    Penentuan Waktu Pembangunan Pabrik Semen Baru Untuk Antisipasi Shortages Di Indonesia

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    The capacity expansion through a new plant is a strategic issue for cement industry. Determining the right time for expansion is a critical issue since built too fast means the cement manufacturer will facing overproduction risks, while too slow the cement manufacturer may lose their potential markets. We discuss the situation dealt by cement industry to determine when this industry requires additional capacity. We use the concept of equilibrium supply-demand to develop a surplus/shortages map of Indonesian cement industries. The result indicates that the cement industry will experience shortages in 2014 with quantity around 397 thousands tons (for 90% utilization assumption). Development of new cement plant should be started from 2011 with an assumption it require 3 years construction period

    Penerapan Metode Karya Wisata untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Latar belakang penelitian ini yaitu kurangnya motivasi siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS karena sumber belajar yang digunakan guru kurang tepat dalam proses pembelajaran. Guru hanya terpaku pada satu sumber buku saja tanpa adanya sumber lain yang relevan dan siswa hanya membaca buku paket yang materinya kurang sesuai dengan SK dan KD, sehingga siswa kurang mampu memahami materi yang disampaikan guru.. Instrumen yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini terdiri dari lembar observasi yang terdiri dari lembar aktivitas guru dan aktivitas siswa, lembar tes dan angket. Teknik analisis keempat instrument tersebut data yang dikumpulkan berupa data kuantitatif. Dalam hal ini peneliti menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dengan cara mencari nilai persentase keberhasilan dan rata-rata.Prosedur dalam penelitian tindakan ini terdiri atas tiga siklus. Data dalam penelitian ini pada setiap siklus mengalami peningkatan. Hipotesis pada penelitian ini adalah pada saat pembelajaran dengan menerapkan metode karya wisata, maka dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa pada pembelajaran IPS siswa kelas IV SDN Kelurahan II Nganjuk. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penerapan metode karya wisata dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS kelas IV SDN Kelurahan II Nganjuk

    Model Pengawasan Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani di SD

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    A Model for the Supervision in the Learning of Physical Education in Elementary School. This study aimed to optimize the functions of principals and supervisors in the improvement of physical education teachers\u27 performance. It was a research and development study in which the preliminary steps employed the qualitative approach to obtain information on the existing models at present and attempts to develop one. The result of this study showed that the model for the supervision in the learning of physical education significantly affected the performance of physical education teachers in elementary schools. In other words, the model was effective to improve the quality of teachers\u27 performance and students\u27 achievement

    Nursing Informatics System in Health Care Delivery

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    Background: The use of information technology in nursing care services is very important. The development of nursing information systems is oriented towards improving the quality of nursing care. Objective: This paper aims to present a complex understanding of nursing information systems and relates them to the terminology of nursing care that can be used in health services. Nursing information systems in health services consist of clinical settings and community settings. Method: This paper presented with a method of literature study through searching database in SCIENCE DIRECT and ELSEVIER of scientific journal. We searched by identifying relevant journals. This Paper presents 39 journals from 2011 - 2016. Results: Nursing Information Systemis a combination of nursing, information, and computer science to manage and process data into knowledge to use in nursing practice. We introduce a nursing information design system using NNN Linkage terminology. Nursing Information System consists of standards of nursing care, standard operating procedures, calculation of nurse credit values, list of nursing diagnosis, list of nursing interventions, implementation reports, statistical reports, and nursing care resumes. Conclusion: The use of information systems in nursing care services provides an overview of knowledge and innovation in the use of information technology in providing nursing care services. Keywords: Nursing Informatics, Health Care, NNN Linkag
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